Our four legged step children. Poor doggies, ever since we had kids, they have taken a back seat, and they were my first babies! Alli had a little alone time today, since she had her vet check up. She LOVES to go for car rides, hang her head out of the window, and so she really enjoyed the ride there. She is such a sweet dog, and wayyyy too smart. If you even think 'bath', even without any other tell tale clues, she will hide immediately. She either has doggy ESP or knows when she smells. Well, I hate New Year's resolutions, but mine is going to be to give more love to the dogs. Damn it.

1 comment:

  1. She's a cutie! I was the same way with my dogs. After 16 years, I put one down while I pregnant with Gavin and then my other sweet dog was 13 when we had to put her down three years ago. They were my babies before I had babies! Love on yours while you can! X!
